Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day 6 - Many Weeks Later!

Well, I know I am slack on the blogging front. But, in my defence I have been very busy with my daughters first birthday, work and many other family commitments.

Not much to report on in regards to my little weight loss journey. I have been watching what I have been eating, but not counting points. Back on track with that today and moving forward however!

What have you guys been up to, losing much weight? Sorry, I havent checked up on you all (well all 5 of you, I think). I will have a look tonight, and will be sure to comment.

That's it for me tonight, off to make poached salmon, looks quite nice - will post a photo tomorrow.

I will leave you with a quote which I think is appropriate to me today

"If one dream should fall and break into a thousand pieces, never be afraid to pick one of those pieces up and begin again" Flavia Weeden.

Hope all is well

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Day 5 - Great Day

Well I got heaps done today in regards to my fat - ness. I weighed myself - not what I was hoping, but what I was expecting - unfortunately. Oh well, it's a place to start, and next week will be less.

I worked out, that if I lose 1kg per week, I will be at my goal by the 6th January - what a great way to start the new year!!!!

Food wise was great today, stuck to my points, thanks to a yummy pork and salad breadroll (didnt even have mayo or any other condiments - big step for me, since hubby calls me "condiment queen").

Than dinner tonight was Satay Chicken with snow peas, and brown rice, recipe is a ww recipe - 5.5 for the chicken, and 2.5 for the rice. Next time I think I would have less rice, and maybe add some carrot and capsicum to the mix. Very yummy though

Tomorrow night is grilled calamari salad with chinese cabbage - 4 points. Yummy!!

I hope my photos turned out ok. It takes a bit of getting used to this blog thing.

Anyways, til tomorrow -

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore,
is not an act but a habit." Aristotle

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Day 4 - Much better day

Hello out there,

Busy, busy, busy - as usual. But, I have been thinking during all my busy - ness. Staying organised is what is required.

Tomorrow I have two things to do -
1) A weekly food plan - I need to know what's going in - I have to write everything down.

2) Weigh in - I havent done it for a while, it's time to get it out there.

I will post both of these tomorrow.

I Read a great article in the latest ww mag last night about will power and motivation - very interesting if you get a chance.

Not much else to say today, but I am very proud that I got on here.

Leave you with this:

"The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person's determination."
Tommy Lasorda

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Day 3 - 3 Months Later - Dammit!!

If I cant even keep up with this - what hope is there for me???

I have to write in this blog everyday. I have to tell you, me, and anybody that will listen what the heck I am eating, how much I am moving, and what I am doing with this fat butt and gut of mine!!!

I found this great little motivator, thingy just before -

IMAGINE with all your mind, BELIEVE with all your heart, ACHIEVE with all your might.

I have stuck it on the fridge. I love those little ditty thingys - I think I will try and find one every day, well maybe every couple of days. And I will try and tell you where I found it, because I don't want to be stealing off other people - but please be patient, I really do have no idea what I am doing here yet.

Well anyway that is it from me today, but I do promise I will be back tomorrow with more goals, and a whole heap of motivation!!!


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Day 2 - And I am still here

I think I have decided that I am going to go this alone. I am going to count points, exercise and make myself accountable on this blog, instead of kidding myself by going to the lifestyle centre and pretending that I am going great guns, when really I am not. I am simply starving myself the day before and the morning of weigh in.

I know that you get taught that it's not a diet it's a lifestyle, but that makes me think - I can eat anything I want - it's a lifestyle. I need to get out of that mindset because it doesn't work for me. This needs to be a diet, at least for the first 15 to 20kg, until I am heading in the right direction.

More tomorrow on what I am going to do about this.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 1 of Blogging!!!

Well here I am, not really knowing where to begin, but wanting myself to be accountable.

Also, trying to concentrate with screaming baby in my ear. So, if anybody does end up reading this, sorry for any bad grammar.

I would first of all like to put it out there that I do not have emotional issues (as per Biggest Loser). I just love food. I am a foodie!! There is not too many things out there that I will not eat. I am not a fussy eater - you put it on my plate - I will eat it, and most probably whatever you haven't eaten on your plate.

I have been going to weight watchers lifestyle centre since before xmas now, and not doing so well. Hard to stay motivated.

I know what I have to do, but just don't do it. I don't know why????!!!